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Palazzo Versace Hotel


一生に一度の記憶に残る ゴージャスバカンス 



それが パラッツォ・ベルサーチ・ホテ

建築から調度品まで全てが最高級 まるでヨーロッパの宮殿に来たかのよう






Happy Trump Tour


Tokyo Office

中央区銀座6丁目6番1 銀座風月堂ビル5F

GinzaFugetsudo bldg 5th floor, 6-6-1 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 1040061 JAPAN     Phone   03-5537-6803 

Space Trip Institute / OsakaOffice

大阪府水無瀬1-15-11 マグノリア通り

on Magnolia st,  1-15-11 Minase 6180014 Japan

 phone +817045107320

IATA TIDS 96605121

Traveller Made

2020 3rd Grand Designer

2020 TM Champion


Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA 43014)

Education Queensland International TQ- 092812



Tokyo Office

Ginza station of subway    just 3 minutes walking from B5 exit


Space Trip Institute/ Kyoto & Osaka  Satellite Office

in front of  Minase station of Hankyu Kyoto line  


Email ​


東京都知事登録旅行サービス手配業 第20375号 令和3年4月22日

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© 2023 by Happy Trump Tour  let's shuffle your life!


For 30th Anniversary of our founding, the commemorative lecture by Dr. Yoshitake Yokokura, former president of World Medical Association and the Reception.  June3/2022 

Our President, Akiko Nakagami will be invite to join ATE by Tourism Australia on May 11-18, 2022.

​Our president, Akiko Nakagami will be invited to join ILTM Asia Pacific on Sep 5-8 , 2022

Open The Space Travel Institute       Jan20/2022


We will verify with the Tohoku University School of Medicine Brain Science Center to clarify the psychological benefits of travel.                                                                                              October 1, 2021 to February 15, 2022


Happy Trump Tour was adopted as a model company for a "New Travel Styles" by   Japan Tourism Agency of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

special recommend 


For 30th Anniversary of our founding, the commemorative lecture by Dr. Yoshitake Yokokura, former president of World Medical Association and the Reception.  June3/2022 

Our President, Akiko Nakagami will be invite to join ATE by Tourism Australia on May 11-18, 2022.

​Our president, Akiko Nakagami will be invited to join ILTM Asia Pacific on Sep 5-8 , 2022

Open The Space Travel Institute       Jan20/2022


We will verify with the Tohoku University School of Medicine Brain Science Center to clarify the psychological benefits of travel.                                                                                              October 1, 2021 to February 15, 2022


Happy Trump Tour was adopted as a model company for a "New Travel Styles" by   Japan Tourism Agency of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

special recommend 

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